Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Animal Homes Writing Project

First, we learned about different kinds of animal homes by reading non-fiction selections.  One of our main texts was our Weekly Reader.  After reading the text both together and independently, we watched some video clips on the topic too.  Next, students completed a graphic organizer like the sample below.  Each student needed to choose four of the animals and list three details about their home using bullets to keep themselves organized.  

After that, students used their graphic organizer to help them complete a rough draft.  We used elements of Step-up to Writing again in this stage.  The rough draft was done on a guided sheet, as seen in the partial photo of the sample below.  We reviewed topic sentences, details, and examples. When students completed their rough draft, they edited them with the teacher.  Students needs varied from reminders regarding capitals and periods, a topic sentence that solely focuses on the topic without giving supporting details, grammar, spelling, and overall format.  Some students needed to refer back to their text again to ensure accurate information. 

Last, students typed their work on the iPads.  Usually, we work in the computer lab on our KidBlogs when we can.  We don't go through all of the writing stages though.  But, we had the iPads for a couple of weeks.  It was amazing how having access to our blogs right in our room, instead of the lab proved to be so helpful with the organization aspect of this project.  Throughout the use of our KidBlogs this year, we've also covered digital writing topics such as correct spacing, how to copy and paste, how to make a capital and punctuations, how to check spelling, how to read over our work before we publish, as well as how to comment on another person's post.  Please click on the link to view this student's completed blog post title Animal Homes.  


Nice job students!  You've made a lot of progress!