Today we
Skyped with Mr. Griffith. He is a
bird expert because he has learned a lot about birds from books, as well as taking care of them and being a good observer. Each group had an opportunity to ask him questions about the bird they are studying. Students enjoyed learning more about their birds and seeing the pictures shared through the screen share option in Skype. Thank you Mr. Griffith for visiting our classroom virtually. After the call, students left comments on a post on our class
Kidblog and worked together in groups to complete their Step-Up to Writing outlines based on what they learned from the call.
Meet Mr. Griffith....
Meet the Mallard Ducks....
Meet the Canada Geese....
Meet the Baltimore Orioles...
Meet the Hummingbirds....
Skype's Screen Share
(so we could view Mr. Griffith's Computer Screen)
I would like to thank the entire class for allowing me to talk to you about birds. I enjoyed all your thoughtful questions and the chance we had to discuss something that I love.