Monday, September 26, 2011

Animals on the Move

We've been learning about migration.  We've been using various modes of both print and digital resources to assist us as we learn about different animals that go on journeys.  For the above activity, students worked together during centers.  They read books from our school library about migration to find information to add to the web on the SMARTboard.  The above web was created by all of the four groups each taking a turn and contributing to the web.  

For a fun-filled, high-energy activity on our science theme, we migrated outdoors and went on a Geocaching hunt. During our Autumn Adventure, students worked together in teams to use hand-held GPS units to navigate to various "caches" or treasures. After finding all the items, we returned to the classroom to piece the puzzle together. Be sure to ask your child more about this event. We learned about re-sizing images and importing photos as we created our Glog poster below together.

We also had our first Skype call.  Students learned how to use the webcam and snowball microphone to communicate on the topic of migration.  We Skyped with Mr. Griffith, both Mrs. Griffith's husband and a bird enthusiast.  He shared with us more information about the hummingbird and the canadian goose's migration.  Each student was able to interact during the call by either asking a question, answering a question, or introducing themselves.  The students were impressive communicators and we look forward to working with other classes in the near future through this format.

1 comment:

  1. How lucky your students are to have you as their teacher! Smartboards, Glogster, Skype, reading, Geocaching...what fun! @coreydahlevent
